• Fully Automated Factory | © EOS

    EOSCONNECT Software Releases
    for Production with Additive Manufacturing


Welcome to the overview of software releases for the EOSCONNECT products.

For more information on the new features please check the respective release below. For the Release Notes with many more details please visit myEOS.


Connectivity & Automation: EOSCONNECT Core adds IIoT capabilities to your EOS systems. It allows network connectivity, data retrieval, remote monitoring and automation of EOS systems.

Software Edition 11.2022



New datapoints for more insights in the machine status where added:

  • Removal chamber temperature (available for EOS P 396, EOS P 500)
  • Compressed Air pressure (available for EOS M 290, EOS M3-3, EOS M 400, EOS M 400-4, EOS P 500)

You can now streamline your data model even further by using the new information which has been made available for each data point on the Web Api: 

  • Datatype: the technical data type of the data point, e.g. FloatingPoint 
  • minimum sampling rate in ms 
  • threshold: value by which a data point must change to become available on the interface 

We made all available data points available in an Excel sheet along with the following information:  

  • the version a specific data point was introduced 
  • on which interface the datapoint is available, Web API, OPC UA or MQTT 
  • for which model is the data point available 
Performance improvements
  • Download of images has been improved. Download is up to 2 times faster than in previous versions.

Software Edition 05.2022


  • Manage machine licenses via the Web API
  • Download machine configuration for generating task files – now you can automate the entire workflow: download configuration via Web API – generate task files via EOSPRINT SDK – upload task file via Web API – start a build job via OPC UA (EOSCONNECT Core Control license required, only works on specific machines)
  • Download of machine logs via the Web API for troubleshooting and reporting
  • New datapoints on the filter system, e.g. status of filter cleaning, filter cleaning count, etc. This enables you to get more insights on the behavior of the filter system
  • Detailed information on the condition of the IPC via Web API, e.g. CPU load, available and free hard drive memory, etc. 
  • Several process setpoints originating from EOSPRINT and the task file can now be accessed. This facilitates track and trace use cases because set values and measured values are available via one API

Software Edition 11.2021


  • MQTT is now supported
  • EOSTATE data is available via the Web API

We have added MQTT as the third type of interface besides OPC UA and Web API. An external MQTT broker needs to be set-up by customers wanting to utilize MQTT.

EOSTATE data available

EOSTATE MeltPool and EOSTATE Exposure OT images, indications and part statistics can now be obtained via the EOSCONNECT Core Web API. With this data available you can start building own analytics or automate the generation of part documentation. The new endpoints are available in the “jobs” and “layers” group. If you are a member of the EOS Developer Network you can use a virtual EOS system via the EDN Portal to try out this new functionality.

Software Edition 05.2021



Measure the availability of your EOS systems by using the new status endpoints and optimize their utilization by using the new control functions. Automation functions allow you to further streamline your AM production in combination with your 3rd party periphery.

Remote Control of Systems

We have added capabilities to remotely control the machine in alignment with health and safety requirements. It is now possible to send the following commands via the OPC UA interface:

  • Start Job
  • Stop Job
  • Pause Job
  • Resume JobThis allows for deeper integrations with 3rd Party software such as Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES).
Documentation of the control functions
Documentation of the control functions

Optimize the laser-on-time of your EOS systems by integrating seamlessly with 3rd Party periphery. There are new control endpoints supporting this:

  • Load Exchangeable Frame
  • Unload Exchangeable Frame
Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE)

The status of a machine can now be tracked in a fine granular way. On the EOSYSTEM user interface an operator can select the status. The status is accessed via Web API or OPC UA and it can be used to track the utilization of a system over time.

Screenshot of the OEE user interface on the machine panel
Screenshot of the OEE user interface on the machine panel
Diagnostic tool

The tool to troubleshoot problems with EOSCONNECT Core was introduced with Edition 11.20. We enhanced it to check for a valid license and certificate.

Software Edition 11.2020


  • Save manual work by using the new API functions to upload task files and to download job, part and event reports.
  • Get more insights on quality influencing parameters by using additional sensor data.
  • There is a tool to diagnose if EOSCONNECT Core is running smoothly. It can be started by putting the machine in service mode and starting it via Windows start menu. This allows EOS service personnel and your operators to easily find out if something is wrong with EOSCONNECT Core.
  • We use a new database system in the background, which boosts overall performance and results in less load on the IPC.
  • There is a new data point to get the name of the material that is currently loaded in the machine
  • The list of jobs can now be filtered by time
  • More information about parts can be accessed , e.g. the exposure time per part. This ensures a more precise calculation of the cost-per-part
  • Images from the powder bed camera are now available in high resolution
  • We increased the recording rate of some sensors
API documentation for laser specific information
API documentation for laser specific information
  • Additional information on the exposure units are available, such as laser power measurement for specific systems
  • Additional process conditions which influence part quality are available. They include inert gas pressure, filter pressure and dosage factor
API documentation for uploading tasks to the machine
API documentation for uploading tasks to the machine
  • There is a new datapoint to upload task files which have been generated with EOSPRINT
API documentation for retrieving quality reports
API documentation for retrieving quality reports
  • We have also added a new datapoint to create PDF reports for jobs, parts and events. These additions allow you to further streamline and automate your AM production process
  • User messages contain further information. We now provide the layer height on which a specific message occurred. Messages can now be filtered and are translated
  • New datapoints have been added to the OPC UA interface: Material, humidity and pressure in the building chamber, dispenser fill level, inert gas pressure and dosage factor.
  • Adding more “static” data to the OPC UA interface such as serial number and laser operating time so that there is the same data available as on the Web API. This let’s you choose the best technology for your integrations
  • We introduce versioning to the OPC UA interface so that your integrations or applications remain functional after an update of the EOS system software

We further improved security of our APIs. The message security mode Basic256 of OPC is due to security issues no longer supported. Instead we provide the following: None, Basic256Sha256, Aes128Sha256RsaOaep, AES256Sha256RsaPss.

Software Edition 05.2020



Several new datapoints are available on the Web API allowing even more insights on process critical parameters. They include:

  • Torque and position of the recoater to measure resistance in the powder bed
  • Fill level of the dispenser
  • Environment parameters like temperature and humidity
  • Process chamber humidity
  • O2 concentration in the process chamber now also available for the EOS M 300-4
  • Position of the building platform
Remote Control of Systems

We are taking first steps in adding control functionality to EOSCONNECT Core. The running job can now be paused and resumed via OPC UA interface. This is function is currently only available for EOS Apps like EOSCONNECT MachinePark. It will be made available for public use in a future version of EOSCONNECT Core.

Screenshot of usage of the control features in the EOSCONNECT MachinePark App
Screenshot of usage of the control features in the EOSCONNECT MachinePark App

Software Edition 10.2019



The EOS M 300-4 and EOS P 500 are now also supported by EOSCONNECT Core.


Images from EOSTATE PowderBed Imaging can now be retrieved via the Web API. Image acquisition can be automated. This enables you to improve traceability of the process or allows you to build your own image based data analytics

API documentation to retrieve images from powder bed camera
API documentation to retrieve images from powder bed camera

Improved security – Users can configure a password for data access via the EOSCONNECT interfaces. These apply to access via OPC UA as well as the Web API. This ensures that only approved individuals or software services get access to machine data.

OAuth2 has been added as security mechanism
OAuth2 has been added as security mechanism

Software Edition 04.2019


  • The API is versioned to stay backward compatible. 
  • Additional data about the machine is available:
    - model name
    - product name
    - host name
    - software versions
  • Sensor values are now related to the layer in which they were measured. The layer information now contains layer count and absolute height.
  • For improved security, TLS 1.1 and TLS 1.2 are now supported with this version

Software Edition 10.2018



EOSCONNECT Core works exclusively with EOSYSTEM Edition 10.18. EOSCONNECT Core runs on the machine IPC as a separate service. The software is installed along with EOSYSTEM. No additional installation required.

The EOS M 290, EOS M 400 and EOS M 400-4 are supported by EOSCONNECT Core.


The documentation of the UPC UA interface as well as the Web API can be viewed via a web browser connection to the machine PC. Always have the correct version of the documentation fitting the version of the API.

The documentation of data points can be accessed via a web browser
The documentation of data points can be accessed via a web browser

Live data, like sensor and status data can be retrieved via OPC UA interface. Machine events can be retrieved via the OPC UA interface. Integrate with e.g. with MES systems to monitor the live statius of machines. Settling on the industry standard reduces the time for integration projects.


Historical data can be read from the machine via the Web API. Quality data of the machine can be read out via the Web API. The Web API relies on the widely accepted REST principle. It is easy to use by developers.


The Web API is protected via SSL to ensure secure access to the machine data. The software is shipped with a self-signed certificate which can be replaced by a customer certificate.

EOSCONNECT MachinePark Bundle

With EOSCONNECT MachinePark you can monitor your entire EOS shop floor from anywhere in just one app. No more Excel lists and walking long distances, system information is now easily accessible to your team to receive automatic notifications about machine status and print jobs.

Software Version 1.2 (released Nov 2021)

  • Improved rights management to define which user has access to which system
  • Machines can be tagged with keywords which can be searched for to keep a better overview
  • Graphs and notifications can be fed with external data
Rights Management

We have improved our rights management. It is now possible to show or hide specific machines to specific users of certain roles. 

Use tags to filter for specific machines

You can assign tags to machines like “M 4-4” or “Metal” and use them in a filter to only show specific machines. 


There is an API to inject timeseries data to the EOS Hub database from external data sources or own analytics. The UI of EOSCONNECT MachinePark can then be used to visualize this data in the sensors/graphs section of a machine. Thresholds can be configured and notifications can be set up for the external data, just as for internal data.

Software Version 1.1 (released Mar 2021)

  • Oversee the status of multiple EOS systems in a single app
  • Reduce your reaction time in case of anomalies by using notifications and remote control functionality
  • Use the timeline view to improve your job planning
  • New navigation in combination with breadcrumbs so switching between the different areas of the app is more intuitive and you always know where you are
Machine Dashboard
  • Added sensor graphs to be able to capture deviations of specific sensor values quickly and intuitively
Sensor graphs give more insights in the current process conditions
Sensor graphs give more insights in the current process conditions
  • Added a timeline view of the status of the systems. This allows to see what the status of multiple machines is and where action is required. It is also a means of doing simple planning of build jobs
The timeline view helps you when to schedule your next build job
The timeline view helps you when to schedule your next build job
  • It is now also possible to use MySQL as a database system. This gives you the flexibility to settle on a freely available alternative to MSSQL
  • It is now even easier to connect an EOS system to EOS Hub. Everything is configured in EOS Hub and no need to change the machine configuration anymore
  • It is easier to set notification limits for sensor data. Set notifications directly from the sensor graphs
Open API
  • All dashboard features are also available via an open API
  • Starting with EOSYSTEM Edition 11.20 (V14) connecting machines is significantly easier. Machines can be added by setting it up in the configuration app no changes on the machine are required anymore

Software Version 1.0 (released Dec 2020)

Machine Dashboard
  • There is a dashboard with an overview of multiple EOS systems. This way you get instant insights to anomalies of a system and stay informed anytime from anywhere
  • The dashboard shows the current status of the system, whether it is building, idle, offline, or in an error state. This gives you insights on the machine condition from anywhere
  • A notification system has been added. You can subscribe to specific messages from the machine or to sensors going out of certain thresholds. This allows you to shorten your reaction time in case something goes wrong
  • We have added the possibility to pause, stop or resume a job from within the app. This allows you to control the machine from remote without being on site and reduce the waste of powder in case something went wrong
  • The web app is responsive and can thus be used on any formfactor displays like desktop browsers, tablets or smartphone without sacrifices to usability
Dashboard showing the status of all connected systems
Dashboard showing the status of all connected systems
  • Software server acts as a hosting environment for EOS apps and provides some core functionality which is needed by all apps
  • This core functionality is managing the connection to EOS systems and to a data base system, managing users and roles, and providing a Web API for 3rd party integration
Open API
  • All dashboard features are also available via an open API
  • Configure machine connections, users, roles, notification settings and many other features